Friday, March 30, 2012

Another week goes by

I think I have found out what it is like to have too much on your plate.  Thankfully, it is winding down, but I became aware of it this week.

Our class in Christology / Trinity has one meeting left, a make up class on April 10.  This class has been quite a challenge for me.  I just don't think like a Theologian.  So I fumble through the readings and wait until class to hear what the author was really trying to say.  I really like our instructor, but he's a Theologian and I am an engineer.  In choosing my paper topic, which I am now much more relaxed about, I commented about this to our instructor.  He wrote back a good email explaining he'd like to understand my thinking as an engineer - that he really has no aptitude for numbers.  It would be a good exchange if we ever get the chance.

I'm also taking a scripture study course on Mondays on the Passion Narratives.  One week left - I really enjoy it, but between the reading and homework for that, the reading for class and work, it is too much.  We also finish up cooking dinners at the parish during Lent this evening so that is also behind us.  Then a busy Holy Week and we can enjoy the Easter season.

We have a Formation Weekend coming at the end of April and one more class before our Rite of Lector on Jun 9.  Another year of Formation is nearing a close.  This year has been great and has made me start to consider pursuing a Master's Degree in Scripture.  I've started to look at curricula and am thinking I may start something next summer.

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