Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It bugs me...

I, like many of you, got the email and read the news that Netflix is raising prices.  I rent DVDs as well as watch the streaming video.  What I resent is them proposing this as a means to support the DVD rentals that they thought would phase out.  This is nothing more than raising revenues for shareholders.  Don't try to sugarcoat it, just say prices are going up.  I'll be scaling back my membership to maintain the same monthly fee I currently have.  So I'll do with less for the same amount of money.

It seems to me this is the same strategy of our government.  Have you noticed that the budget debate talks center around whether "revenues" will be part of the package?  And we, and the media, accept this term.  What is the "business" of the government that generates these "revenues?"  These are TAXES, not revenues.  It's not like they have created a new product that will generate new sales.  They want to TAKE more.  I guess if we use the term revenue, we won't be as inclined to feel negative about the discussion.

OK, that's my brief rant of the day...

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