Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Faith sharing

Went to another Christian Church tonight to experience another faith and their sharing and welcoming.  This time it was the Christian Fellowship Baptist Church in Derry.  I found the building welcoming and the people were friendly, but not overly so.  They allowed us to just introduce ourselves and engage with them in their prayer and teaching.

I didn't find a lot of depth in the teaching, but one thing that did strike me was the question - "Have you shared your faith with someone this week?"  How many of us EVER do that?  Bring our faith out in the open after Mass on Sunday morning?  I've thought of that before and have told many along my discernment to apply for the diaconate that I was applying, but I'm not sure I ever really shared my faith.  I do try to make people think about their faith and try to have them question where they are in their journey.

This question made me drive straight to WalMart afterward and purchase a small notebook.  My fellow Candidate brings his every time we go and he is regularly jotting notes.  I know I'll need homily material in the future and this question will find its way into one of my early homilies.  So I got the notebook and immediately wrote it in there.

The title for the notebook?  "It's not about me....."  A good reminder of why I am pursuing ordination...

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